2004 Towards a New European Constitution

2004    Towards a New European Constitution

1. Voting system in the Nice Treaty and Convent proposal, Maciek KUBIAK
2. A Union of citizens and states, Christian DREIßACKER, Dennis BLOCH
3. Union Citizenship,Piotr KWIATKOWSKI, Marta MAKULEC
4. Union citizenship – rhetoric or reality? ,Dorota PUDZIANOWSKA & Piotr KORZEC
5. Standing of Individuals in front of European Courts, Maciej PIETRZAK
6. Charter of fundamental rights — social rights, Joanna NAGIERSKA
7. Preliminary reference procedure, Katarzyna WARZECHA
8. Supremacy of EU-Law, Marta KWIATKOWSKA, Marcin ANTCZAK
9. The EU, USA and Russian Federation, Ina STRECKENBACH, Emilio RULL